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104 posts

Ljubov Dzuzhynska

Ljubov had been the brand manager of the art studio Bob Basset which specialized in leather masks. She had since taken a range of professional roles and worked in PR and promotion on various projects. She also has experience as an artist manager in the show business industry. Currently, Ljubov curates a cryptocurrency entertainment YouTube channel "Gagarin Show", a crypto news and rating platform "Gagarin News" and manages the launch of various NFT projects.

15 MAY 2019

Jonathan Bree

28 APRIL 2019

Glib Buriak

15 MARCH 2019

Jan Blomqvist

04 MARCH 2019


20 DECEMBER 2017

King Dude

19 JULY 2016

Jozef Van Wissem

Slava Balbek


Max Shkinder


Pompeya 2019